Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Sixteen days.  That's how long I have left here in the USA.  It's so crazy and surreal at this moment.  Jeremy keeps talking about how this weekend, we're doing such and such, then the next weekend will be our last together for 3 months.  It just really puts things into perspective for me.  I only have two weekends left at home. One will be spent at a wedding and ringing in the New Year.  I hope to spend the last weekend just relaxing with my family.  I feel like I can't at all comprehend leaving for such a long amount of time.  I can't comprehend not knowing the next time I'll be in communication with my family and those I love.  I can't comprehend living out of a "suitcase" for three months.  I can't comprehend living with families for more than 2 or 3 days.  I'm nervous and excited.  I'm scared that I'm going to be so under prepared.  I'm scared that Linford will be like, "oh -- you didn't turn in this form.  Sorry.  You can't go."  But you know what?  God has an awesome plan for me.  He knows what He's doing.  I'm going to grow SO much on this trip.  It will be good for me in every aspect of my life.  I just need to really trust and rely on God at this time. (Well, at all times.)

BAHH! I still can't believe I'm only sixteen days away from AFRICA.  (I still don't feel like I'm even going to Egypt!)

I love you all!!

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